Needle Epilation

Medica Derma Lazer Epilasyon ve Güzellik Merkezi

For Beauty and More...

Needle Epilation



İğneli epilasyon kıl köküne ince steril bir iğne ile girilerek çok düşük akımlı bir elektrik uyarı verilmesi işlemidir. Özellikle Lazer epilasyon’un etkin olamadığı çok ince, sarı, beyaz, kızıl  tüylerin de tamamıyla yok edilmesi için ya da lazer uygulanamayan hastalar için idealdir.

Inflammation of all the fur in needled epilation requires more than one session. The number of sessions to be applied depends on the duration, structure, color and intensity of the fur.

Rarely, redness, ruffles and occasionally small scaling may be seen in the area of application. It is recommended that cosmetic products such as perfume and deodorant, which may irritate the skin within 24 hours after the treatment, are not recommended. The skin should not be exposed to water for 2-3 hours after epilation, and the skin should not be irritated by hot water or pouches. 

Pediatric epilepsy can not be performed for people with common varicose veins, cardiac pills, pregnant women, diabetics, active infections, cancer cases, psoriasis and similar skin diseases, and contagious diseases such as AIDS and syphilis.

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